Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Hampshire paper on Obama's health plan

One of the most interesting comparisons of Democrats' health plans was an editorial published by the Concord Monitor titled "Don't get sidetracked by the mandate debate." It sharply critisized the use of mandates as a substitute for offering universal health care coverage. The editorial was published a month before the New Hampshire primary, and reflects well the fact that the candidates' health care proposals may be very different in practice once implemented. Here is an excerpt:

The great health care mandate debate is a sideshow. Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and John Edwards insist that forcing individuals to buy a policy is crucial to providing universal health care or something close to it. Rival Barack Obama disagrees. A mandate may be necessary to force those who refuse to sign up once affordable options are available, he says, but that step should come at the end of the march to universal care, not at the beginning.


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